What is this?

Roze El's Hall of Fame is a blog that links to awesome painted or created Fantasy Football miniatures, teams, pitches, counters, etc. If you see something that you think should be in here, please email me and let me know. All entires are attributed to the internet handle and/or real name of the painter and the site the image was found on. Click the name of the source to be linked there.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Fomorian Ogres by danielcollins

It's been a while since my last post... sorry about that. Moving house and starting a new career will do that to you. But here's one I saw fleetingly between organising everything else...

Fomorian Ogres
Painted by danielcollins
Sourced from AusBowl

In the pics below, the green orcs are shown for size comparison.

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