What is this?

Roze El's Hall of Fame is a blog that links to awesome painted or created Fantasy Football miniatures, teams, pitches, counters, etc. If you see something that you think should be in here, please email me and let me know. All entires are attributed to the internet handle and/or real name of the painter and the site the image was found on. Click the name of the source to be linked there.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cyanide Pro Elf Blitzer by Olivier Bredy

With many thanks to Vain, Moraiwe and Greyhound over at AusBowl, I bring you what I think is the most amazing piece of work for BB in quite some time.

Cyanide Pro Elf Blitzer
Created by Olivier Bredy
Sourced from Olivier Bredy and AusBowl


  1. A truly brilliant piece of work. Now, I wonder what the chances are of him making a full Pro Elf team.
